You don't need a factory inspection

There is a popular service called “Factory Inspection” in the field of purchasing goods from China. Today we will tell you why in most cases this service is useless, and what is better to choose instead.

Usually, clients themselves do not know what exactly they want to check, and use vague phrases “well, the factory should be ok.” If it seems to you that a large, beautiful, and well-groomed factory guarantees the reliability and success of the transaction, then you are mistaken.

🔴 The size and repair of the factory do not in any way affect its responsibility and efficiency.

🔴 If the enterprise is large-scale, then it can open a beautiful demonstration workshop for inspections, and sew most of the orders in conditional basements.

🔴 Moreover, the factory can easily transfer your order to another production, have no control over the process, and give you what happens (and what did you achieve with your check?).

🔴 Shiny equipment or employees in beautiful uniforms are not the levers that will help you put pressure on the factory if any problems arise.

Therefore, we consider the "Factory Inspection" service to be pointless.

What do we recommend doing?

  1. Search for factories and place your first orders through online platforms (this could be Alibaba, Taobao, 1688). The platform acts as a guarantor of your transaction and protects you as a buyer. If the seller did not send the goods, sent the wrong thing, or in a smaller quantity, the platform will be on your side, you will not lose money and will be able to control the entire transaction.
  2. Order samples. We have a service for ordering samples from the specified sites. We receive the goods at our warehouse in Guangzhou, take detailed photos/videos, and send them to the client for review. Thus, you can order identical products from 5-7 factories and choose the best option.
  3. Read reviews about the factory and product on the specified platforms. If there are almost no orders and reviews, it is better to abandon this seller and look for other options.