Canton Fair VS Wholesale Markets in China

It is one of the most controversial events, which is attended by millions of people from all over the world twice a year. Many of them leave disappointed. What's the matter, who should go there, who shouldn't, and whether you need to pay for an escort – we reveal all our cards.

There is a 90% chance you have nothing to do at Canton Fair if you deal in clothing, shoes, leather goods, and fabrics.

The reasons are as follows:

1. Circulation. The specified types of goods at this exhibition can only be ordered in large volumes, on average from 500 units per article. For comparison, in wholesale markets, we buy 5 units per color.

2. The style/design of clothing and accessories presented at the fair is often uninteresting, and outdated, «like everyone else’s». In wholesale markets, new products appear every day and their relevance/trend level is much higher. The shoes at the Canton Fair have cool designs! But with such a circulation it is available only to large companies.

3. Pre-order. Nothing available. Place huge orders for the season ahead and freeze the 30% deposit. In wholesale markets, our most active clients make 2-3 purchases per month. They receive new products promptly and constantly, and the money turns around faster and works.

It’s the same story with fabrics: in Guangzhou, there is a gigantic area with dozens of fabric markets, where you can come any day of the year and find anything, any fabric and any accessories, while you only need to wait a few days for an order, and you can buy a little (one roll or even less).

Also during the Canton Fair, ticket and hotel prices go through the roof. You can fly in to purchase the above goods at any other time. Therefore, do not waste your money and time, better plan your purchase with us and get 100% effective work. (There should be a link to the post about support here).

Who should go to the Canton Fair anyway? Those who are involved in construction, electronics, technology, and looking for new tricks and ideas for business - this is all welcome, this event will be useful for you.

If you speak English, you don't need a special separate guide to visit the Canton Fair! There are English-speaking company representatives at all stands, and you don’t need the help of a «China Business Guru» to find out prices, get a business card, and ask a couple of questions. Maximum - translation services at a standard price of $100-150 per day.